Migrating from Bash to Python3 - An Expert Guide


If you find yourself in a role where operational and on-call is involved a key objective is not to build complex software systems, but rather to automate tasks and streamline operations. By doing this, I aim to significantly reduce TOIL (Toil is work tied to running a service that tends to be manual, repetitive, automatable, tactical, devoid of enduring value, and that scales linearly as a service grows), as well as minimize human error. Over time, I have found that writing in code has proven to be a valuable approach to not only simplify task execution but also provide a clearer and more reproducible method of documenting software defects or test plans. Traditional documentation methods such as screenshots and step-by-step instructions can often lead to misunderstandings or mistakes due to human error, but code serves as a precise and unambiguous representation of each step in the process. You can run a set of tasks check the code in and someone else can repeat exactly what you did months or years later.

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PostgreSQL Query Optimization Considerations

A relational database management system takes the declarative SQL text and creates a procedural execution plan which attempts to retrieve the data as efficiently as possible. The query optimizer is one of the most complex parts of the engine.

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Constantly striving to improve

Welcome to my page! Here, I aim to share valuable pieces of information and things I’ve learned (TIL) that might be useful for others. I find enjoyment in solving problems, and I’m always willing to lend a helping hand wherever I can. Whether it’s offering a simple suggestion like “if it were me, I’d do…” or providing more in-depth assistance, I’m here to contribute to your understanding and growth.

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